ThistleDew Farm

ThistleDew Farm
Established 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

No PIctures - just blisters!

Just a word to give a quick update so you won't think I've gotten lost or buried!
This weekend we started the tile in the great room! Woooo Hoooo! I thought I'd have time to work on my window treatments but as it turns out my painting license was not revoked I merely had a restriction put on it. "No painting after dark".

This came about shortly after I painted two walls in the great room one evening last week. Unbenownst to me, by the light of the day it looked pretty rough.

I was on a high, either from paint fumes or because I was actually allowed to paint in a public area of the house(I had been on my apprenticeship and only allowed to paint closets, bathrooms and my craft room.) Unsuspecting, the next day I asked Super Hubby if he wanted me to paint. With painting in the great room I felt I had graduated to semi-pro league. Well, Super Hubby's response knocked the wind out of my sails. He walked me over to the great room walls I had painted the previous evening complete with chunks of foreign matter painted onto the wall and missing spots where the primer showed through. He politely said "no thank you". How was I to know that the roller pan had old paint stuck to it until I filled it with new paint and went to town on it? How was I to know that those florescent lights which save energy do so for a reason, it's because they don't put out any real light - just ambiance?

I felt pretty bad because I'd caused him more work to fix my mess and I couldn't help out as much. So I made plans to do other things....line the kitchen cabinets with shelf paper, touch up my craft room paint, and make window treatments. Then I learned that my license merely had the "no painting at night" restriction so my plans went out the window. I painted two more areas of the great room, helped set up the tile for installation, lined the kitchen shelves and did gopher work. I was busy but it didn't feel like I accomplished anything - ever have those days? Luckily Super Hubby's Uncle and Cousin came to help lay tile. It's a big job and hard to do alone.

Well the chandelier pendant came in today so that will go up tonight and then the scaffolding will come down. I have come to think of the scaffolding as a part of our decor - I'll miss it and have to think about filling that big open space.

Carpet comes on Thursday so all the last painting has to be finished and the transitions to tile areas have to be complete. Maybe there will be time to put in my cork flooring in the craft room before then.....


em's scrapbag said...

Sounds like it is coming. Hope your blisters heal soon.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart. So much to get done and you must be so tired and sore. It will all be worth it though. Hang in there.

Barb said...

You are busy! I hope you are taking some time to relax & take stock of how far you have come. I only wish we were this far :-)
What kind of window treatments will you be making?

jen said...

Sounds like you have been busy!! Can't wait to see the finished product!

pb&j in a bowl said...

Don't feel bad about the foreign matter and primer showing through on your walls. I once volunteered to help paint a homeless shelter and was demoted to trash pick-up b/c my painting was so bad.

Susie said...

It sounds like everything is coming along nicely Melissa. I know you've been working hard but it will be oh so worth it when done.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

You guys have been so busy! Hopefully before you know it you'll be all done!

Connie said...

Wow! You wore me out just reading that! Hope your blisters heal soon. This is going to be so exciting when you have it all completed! :D

Anonymous said...

2/18 Melissa - I thought of you when I looked at Dzintra's blog tonight
Take a look if you have time.

Leedra said...

Sounds like you have alot of light at the end of the tunnel.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

Jenni said...

It sounds like you are doing a fantastic job on your house! It is really coming together! I had to chuckle at your little painting story, because...when we first bought this house, I hadn't done much painting at all, and when I went to prime the walls with the roller, it went EVERYWHERE! I had put WAY too much primer on the roller. Don't worry~ before you know it, you'll be a pro!

I hope you are able to get some good rest and relaxation soon! :)Don't work too hard! :)

Shari said...

Glad to hear you are in the home stretch - so to speak. We built our house too and can totally appreciate how much work it is!
