ThistleDew Farm

ThistleDew Farm
Established 2009

Friday, January 21, 2011

What's your focus this year?

So sorry friends, I have been so bad about keeping up my blog - but I shall try to do better.
Not much going on right now.

I have garlic patiently waiting in the ground - it grows a little with each warm day and then just waits for the next warm day.

I've been doing some water color - I've decided this year to make all my cards - especially thank you cards. I'm improving - even did a picture my husband thought worthy of framing...that's a pretty big compliment. They aren't worthy of selling, but you can tell what the subject matter is - always a big plus for me!

I've been kind of into amigurumi (little crocheted critters)....I guess I have lots of pictures to post. Hopefully I'll get that done this weekend.

Well this year is another year for running, gardening, and crafting for me.

What is your focus for this year?


Not Hannah said...

Finishing what I start--and starting good things. Also, better communication with the world in general (which also has to do with writing more consistently on my own blog.)

Carol............. said...

Focusing on doing more craft projects instead of thinking about the U.S. mess we're in! LOL

Can't wait for pictures of the crafty animals......and your watercolors....(my favorite paint medium).

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