Here's my front porch basket - I am ashamed to admit I purchased all these plants - my one big garden splurge this year. Closest to us is a large Cuban Oregano - which is very prolific - if you'd like a start - just let me know!
Let's walk out front and look back at the house - we've done a little landscaping since you saw it last, the lovely live statue is quite a showpiece! I don't think you've seen the stone on the front either.
Here's all the monkey grass I planted on the back slope....
Here's the bed I recently rototilled which resulted in a bout of poison ivy....I planted cast off plants in this bed, a few holly starts, some canna's, a crepe myrtle and a lot of seeds harvested last fall. The marigolds and sunflowers are growing prolifically (guess I planted a bit thick!) but the Echinacea and wildflowers do not appear to have made it - sadly enough.
Let's walk down the hill and see the other beds....Hey is that a butterfly?
The painted ladies are very active at our farm.
This patch is in the middle of the "yard". Super Hubby left it intentionally for the deer to have a hiding spot. It is mostly clover and there are two or three does that visit it daily....
This clump of flowers made me think of Daisy....
Here we are at La Tres Belle, that's what we call this space. It gets a lot of water and tends to flood in the spring - raised beds have worked perfectly.
The horseradish made it through the winter....this is it's first full year - I bought it as a start from Richters Herb Farm
It's starting to get dark so this picture isn't very bright - is it just me or do you think this yarrow is miss named - looks pink to me not red!
Here's the bed from a different angle - the left half is mostly gravel and holds my original rosemary and a lavender started last year. The right half has a columbine from Mothers, the horse radish and two yarrows. The aforementioned red hiding beside the yellow (from my Mothers herb bed)
Volunteer For-Get-Me-Nots...
Hey isn't this a pretty black eyed Susan?
Don't they look pretty together?
Check out my garlic bed!
Let's walk over to Winonna's Bed - here's the bayberry in it's second
year - another Richter Herb Farm purchase last year.
I can't wait for berries - I have been reading about making home made bayberry candles and fragrance - I hope it works - do you know how old the bush must be before it starts to make berries - or do I need a girlfriend for HuckleBerry Bay?
I can't wait for berries - I have been reading about making home made bayberry candles and fragrance - I hope it works - do you know how old the bush must be before it starts to make berries - or do I need a girlfriend for HuckleBerry Bay?
Let's move on further to Bob's bed and check on the lavender there - it's been so wet it should be in shock!
Looks happy - so is the bumble bee drinking up the pollen - to bad it isn't a honey bee. Haven't seen any around us....maybe I should get a hive.....hmmmm

The Russian sage behind Bird Rock is doing nicely as usual. This plant is about five years old and lived in a pot for the first three years so I could bring it indoors at our rental. Last year I planted it in the ground and it did fine. It is neither Russian nor a sage - go figure! It has lovely lavender blooms and is a favorite for a butterfly garden.
Hopefully this sign will greet you as you drive up to the property after the y-split....
That was a great walk, and bringing back a fresh flower bouquet placed in a home made vase is what life is all about. I am blessed!

Come on back for a visit anytime!
Hey there,
You coming right along! Everything looks so are further ahead of me..I finally got our yard cleaned up but have not done anything else but enjoy the WEED free appearance..LOL WE tried moving all winter and everytime we did it would snow up here. :0)
So when we arrived at the end of April we drove up to a yard of weeds...I had the yard guy pull out everything except for the one rose bush. Next spring I'll think about outside! LOL I've got carpentry work still to do on the inside.
The wheels of progress seem to move slow but I'm getting there..Now I'm trying to figure out what to do in my studio. I've got white sheetrock on the walls and then a wood cathedral ceiling with beams...How I wish they had of put wood on the would make this so much easier..:0)
Do you know any good painters?? I really want the staircase area painted too since it leads to the studio. The one I wanted to use is booked up with a contractor and can't get to me for a few months.
I ask this question because I had the thought that y'all did a lot of the work on building your home and may know a anyway, any recommendations for painters that live in Sevier County or are willing to come here for a job would be appreciated.
Oh, and I like your sign at your studio entrance!
Talk to ya later,
Looks great! I love all of the plants. :) Now I want to see a picture of the cork floors.
I am so happy for you. Your home and the yard is beautiful. You have so many of my favorite plants and it must be so nice to walk around and bring home a handful of posies to display in your pretty new home. Your daughter is precious. What a happy, memorable summer. Congrats!
Love your photos and your descriptions - you make me see the place with new eyes! :)
Wow, you have such a beautiful home, Melissa! Loved the tour. Your little crocheted lion is so cute too. Thanks for sharing all the great photos.
Oh my goodness, I loved it much Melissa! Everything looks so great! Your home turned out so beautiful! I'm really happy for you.
Absolutely gorgeous!!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a lovely comment.
I have enjoyed my virtual visit to Thistle View Farm today. The house sign is super. I absolutely LOVE your new house. It looks gorgeous from the outside and I love all the lanscaping you are working on at the moment. It was great to see your daughter helping out with jobs inside. I showed my daughter your blog and she thinks it's cool you are in Tennessee (Taylor Swift & The Hannah Montana Movie makes her think of Tennessee)!
Best Wishes from England.
Hi Melissa,
thanks so much for coming to visit :) I just spent 40 minutes exploring your great blog! I am SO loving your house! thanks for the tour, now I'm jealous!!!
:) Missy
It is BEAUTIFUL! I am glad you are back blogging. I missed you
I'm coveting your house - I know I shouldn't covet but it's so beautiful! And I loved the tour of the gardens. I'm a big fan of herbs - Rosemary grows in abundence in my yard but thyme just won't do a lot. My lavender lives, but doesn't get very big though it does bloom. I had oregano last year but it died. :( However my lemon balm is doing well. blessings, marlene
Hi Melissa, Just wanted to wish you and your family a great weekend. Nalley had a chance to look at the latest photos of your beautiful home and yard and of course, your darling little daughter. We both want to congratulate on how pretty everything has turned out! Enjoy!
Beautiful! And you have black-eyed susan and lavender...serious plant envy here!
Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos!! What a beautiful place. Your garlic bed looks very nice. I love garlic!!
Have a nice Fathers Day!
I was so mean to my lavender last year. It didn't grow at all and I just ignored it. I thought for sure it was dead. This year it's doubled in size and is thriving. I guess it likes tough love.
Wonderful blog! Your horseradish looks gigantic compared to my tiny 3 leaf one LOL!
Looks like a wonderful place to spend a lifetime.
Beautiful home, walk and pics.
Cal x
Your home is so gorgeous and yes, a stone wall would just be the thing.
Well I totally messed up that other comment!
Hey there,
I thought I'd drop in to say Hello and see how you are doing....I see you haven't blogged since the middle of ok??
I've finally finished the remodeling (added 27 feet of windows in the great room and relocated the kitchen) I'm finally moving on to deep cleaning and thinking of decorating.
Now all I need is a professional organizer to whip this place in order..LOL
Drop by for a visit when you have a moment.
Stephanie, over in Sevier Cty
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