Anyway thought you might like a peak at the craft room colors!
Actually it is a little different because that was taken during a painting break. That's how I intended it to look, but I got carried away and forgot to cut in the left side, I just continued slapping paint around the corner and none of the original Morning Fog left to fix it back. So, I had to paint the top of the green wall the darkened Morning Fog (blue) like the rest of the walls. So the majority of the room is the blue color and the short wall is blue on top and hep green on bottom - divided by a chocolate chair rail.....not many would love this combo (or even like it) - but I do! I'm smiling just writing about it - there's something about that color - it makes me happy!
My husband falls into the first category - actually his exact words were "that makes me want to puke" followed by "is that the final color?" He's not smiling....
Terri saw the sample colors and is still laughing - and to think she purports to like green....I think she meant forest green though!
Just in case you didn't get enough - here's another look....these colors are truer and show the darker morning fog all around. The divided line will be covered by the chocolate chair love love it!
It really does look pretty close to these colors - especially the green - gotta love hep green!
Oh and while we're touring the house, here's what the cabinets look like -
and one actually hanging....that's Super Hubby there...
The cabinets are all in now - looks amazingly like a kitchen....maybe pictures of that tomorrow! But you know me and the flash drive - often parted when needed!
We purchased the cabinets from Rail Salvage - these puppies are solid oak 42" tall. Our ceilings are 10 foot so we needed to go with taller cabinets. Eventually there will be a shelf and crown molding around the top of the cabinets - some day.....The cabinets were a really good deal.... The salvage yard uses every square inch of space and then some... things are packed in. The cabinets are new, so it's not a reclaimed salvage, I think its a wholesale and overstock place. But, they have the cabinets all the time, you have to search for other items - I really recommend these places as a resource when you're on a budget or want a good deal. I also found an iron coat hook - you might see that someday - if I can find it!!!! hmmm.
Post Script to my post -
Will ya look at that - check out The Inspired about them apples? Green apples that is.....looks like a trendy hep green to me - who's the fashion princess now huh?????