And a book which I assume the movie was based on.

Well, I have a never ending story of my own - only I call it The Never Ending Project....do you have one of these? A monumental project that you started with good intentions.....you saw fabric, yarn or material or maybe a pattern you just had to have? Now it's an old favorite you bring out of the closet now and then - get really excited about working on, actually put some effort into for a few weeks now and again only to allow it to be pushed back under the "craft pile" waiting to be rediscovered again?
My Never Ending Project is a crocheted masterpiece in the afghan stitch which uses a really long hook. The stitch affect allows you to cross stitch on top of the background. I found a really interesting pattern I liked - except for the daisies part (sorry Daisy) and adapted it (I like to do that - I can never leave well enough alone! An artist went to great trouble creating this pattern and I go and rip out their heart by "improving it"!) I decided what this afghan really needed was a great big white tail dear in the middle of it! Ok - come on, I was living in Idaho at the time and highly influenced by the wilderness environment. Besides my hubby will love it (and it's a way to introduce sage into our Master Bedroom color scheme.... I know wha'cha sayin' to yourself - "that girl is always thinkin'", huh? ) I used a cross stitch pattern from a book full of wildlife. It had the perfect white tailed deer design - jumping over a log which happened to have sage green leaves as well as autumn colors.
I am ashamed to admit that I bought the yarn and started the background in 1998 - yes folks - I am going on my tenth anniversary of working on this project. I commenced work on the masterpiece while on Marine Corps Recruiting duty in Lewiston Idaho. There was a fab yarn shop up on the plateau in Moscow Idaho - The Needle Nook - I don't know if it is still there but if it's not it is a cry'n shame - I hate to see a good fiber store go down, it is among the great tragedies of the last century - like giving Iwo Jima back, or The Duke passing away or Roslyn Bakeries closing down or Sara Lee ending production of the Banana Cake with that cream cheese frosting (you did have to be careful not to cut your fingers on the aluminum pan when you were bending the corners down over the cardboard cover.) Anyway, I finished the two side panels - because I always do the fun part first and the side panels had lots of color and a cool stitch pattern over the afghan stitch which reminded me of a Burberry checked pattern (spent some time in England also so I have incorporated a lot of memories into this masterpiece don'cha' know) - the center piece is a huge block of boring afghan stitch crochet - I get distracted easily so this part took me about 9 years!
In my defense during this time we moved to Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii as our next duty station with the Marine Corps. I did not feel like working on yarn projects for the three years while stationed in Hawaii - it is so hot and so humid - woe is me (sigh)..... the project did go with me, just in case I got bored in paradise.

I daresay that yarn may be more traveled than some of you (not meaning to offend anyone who prefers to remain at home in a stable environment).....Idaho, Hawaii, Indiana, Tennessee.... Instead of finishing the afghan in Hawaii we had our Princess at Tripler Army Medical Center -

- now she is a project I am also still working on!
The Never Ending Project has been pulled out a few times while here in East Tennesse but never for very long - until this year. Here's a look at the pieces -
Is it really my fault he didn't get done with the house by Thanksgiving - I really can't get the afghan done before the house is done - then it would just set in a box until it's unveiling - isn't it better to wait until it can be placed immediatly on it's place of honor?????
This will look lovely on someones bed - I just hope I'm alive to see it!
The finished project is going to be beautiful. For sure, it is a traveling project with LOTS of memories! Good luck!
Wow....what a lot of work! I stopped by to see the slideshow of your homebuilding.....waiting with baited breath!
Question....are there really hermaphroditic chickens? That would be something! I, too, thought that perhaps our chicken was a rooster....we shall see!
Ha, ha! I enjoyed your story to go with your Never Ending Project :) I can see why it's taken so long, though, with the moves and all. I don't think a whitetail deer would really work well in Hawaii either! LOL
I think it will be a beauty when it's finished, which I get the feeling will be this year :)
Have a great day!
Girl I was laughing through most of this post. You are too funny! It sounds like you are bound and determined to get this done so I think you will. Can't wait to see the finished project.
Oh you said it sista...living the never ending project myself...there is always something in the works! You're getting there though! Have fun. Jami
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey Girlie!
I am so bad about posting but love keeping up with what's happening with you!
Your posts make me smile!
I just hit the 200 post mark & I'm doing a "prize drawing" so if you want a piece of the action click on over! :)
Can't wait to see he casa finished, ha that feeling is mutual hugh???? :)
...no spell check what's up with that???
Correction to my previous post, THE casa, not he casa! HA!
Yep, I'm THAT OCD! :)
And I thought 15 months was a long time to be working on something! LOL I have been all over this country but never Hawaii - indeed that afghan has been around the block a few times!
Terri.....it is beautiful! I enjoyed the slide show immensely! I cannot wait until ours progresses. The second floor logs came yesterday....they go up and the roof trusses come in one week and then the following week the windows are placed. Then all the minutiae starts......the slower part! I will keep updating pics as we go....you too, ok?
Terri, that will be one gorgeous afghan when you get it done! I have many "neverending projects". My husband calls our home a 30 year craft project! Lol!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! You are welcome anytime!
Hugs! ~Beth~
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!
Love your never ending project story too cute! It is a really cute project and so look forward to seeing it when you are finished! Best wishes on finishing it!
Have a wonderful day!
I've got tons of projects that I've started and then stashed away. It would feel so good to finally finish them!
I think enjoying the process is so much more important than a finish. It is looking lovely. You're doing a great job.
That is going to be awesome. You know you have to finish it now, though. House done or not. Since you have shown the world, we will want to see the finished product. So, get busy. lol ;)
Oh your good to bring it out and start over on it- I've had many projects like that- they usually end up in the dump or given to my kids- I'm so bad-
Good Luck.
WHAT!!! You decided to make it without the daisies!!! Well...hmmpf! I never!! :D HA HA!
You're almost done!! It looks fabulous, and I think it will look beautiful on your bed. Hang in there, you will finish it. Work on it just 15 or 20 minutes a day (that's not long, right?) and you will have it done before you know it. I really like the deer on there, by the way. You are such a creative person, Melissa. That is how we know you are a true artist. You take a pattern and reinvent it and make it your own. So cool! :D
Bravo, seems to me, is an excellent phrase
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