I was opened up to a wonderful new taste sensation yesterday!

Fresh Figs - not to be confused with fig newtons -
Remember the Big Fig Newton? I sure do and on select moonlite nights you can see me out on the front lawn doing the Fig Newton Dance - join me now....
Ooey , gooey, rich and chewy inside

Golden, cakey, tender, flaky outside
Wrap the inside in the outside
Is it good? Darn tootin’
Doin’ the big Fig Newton
one more time now - The Big Fig NewwwwTon
- not even similar...here's what the inside of a fig looks like.

They have many texture layers with the middle a moist edible seed mass. The taste is subtle, fresh, moist, gently sweet and musky. Little hints of grape and apricot to me.
Terri, my sister-in-law and partner in crime - all types of crime....has been on a quest to provide me with fresh figs.

I was dubious to say the least and I took it as a sign from God that each time she got close to mission accomplishment - it would slip through her grasp...She bought a fig tree - the first one didn't make it (might have something to do with the drought and a lawnmower.... Then she took me to the farmers market where she had bought fresh figs a week prior - when I went, no figs....not even a fig farmer! She has bought another fig tree - no figs this year. Anyway - periodically she would mention the fig quest and I would giggle and humor her. Well, yesterday she stopped off at The Fresh Market - she knows that is against the rules! The Fresh Market is a checkbook trap - we can not go there and stay within a budget because there are so many awesome, high quality items there. Anyway, she found fresh California Brown Turkey figs....and they are delectable....no sodium, no sugar, no fat! A dream food! I will definitely meet my 2 fruits daily requirement for the Health Rewards program with these guys around.
The figs were awesome - thanks so much Terri for awakening my Fig taste buds....they are very happy...
My folks had a fig bush that would be loaded and I too, love the taste. It's funny around here toward the end of summer, lots of people have home-made signs in the yard: "figs for sale." Fig preserves are popular but of course that defeats the purpose!
I agree with Mildred - preserved figs taste great, but there's just something about the fresh ones... Ron laughed at me for being so happy to find those yesterday! :)
Oh, fresh figs are simply divine ! Sadly we don't get them here, but whenever I travel I make sure to eat a few ... they're also nice with cheese. Yum ! (Oh no ..... now you have me craving fresh figs !!!)
I have never eaten fresh figs only preserves, which by the way are quite tasty. I couldn't help but notice the mention of The Fresh Market. This is one of my favorite places to go. I am hooked on their wonderful muffins and all their other yummy pastries.
I have never had fresh figs. I do remember the Big Fig Newton guy and his song and dance! HA! :D
Susie and Daisy, you need to find some fresh figs... put it on your must-taste list! I promise you won't be disappointed!
My mom has a fig tree and she loves fresh figs. I must admit, I've never tried them, they just look kind of weird, you know? Maybe I should taste what I'm missing??
Jacquelynne, if you like fruit at all you will probably like figs - they taste so fresh and good! You really should try them - just cut a small piece of one - the entire fruit (except the stem!) is edible.
Good Morning!
Thank you for taking time to stop by my blog and leave such a sweet comment!
I'm enjoying your blog too. I see you're an Austen fan, like me. I simply adore her books and I'm sure you will too once you get into her works. I have a collection of her movies and was just given a VHS of Emma which I've tried to wear out since getting it. I was buying the cheap paperbacks from Barnes & Nobles but found a hardbound collection of her works for $12 so now I've upgraded. I'm currently reading Emma but have read Sense & Sensibility, Pride & Prejudice, as well as Persuasion. You'll have to let me know how you're coming along on your Jane reading...I love talking about my beloved Miss Austen *smiles* Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!
Ok, I have never ever heard that fig newton song! And I don't think I've ever had fresh figs. I think I've missed out on something!
Nom! You're very lucky to have a SIL who gives a fig.
You could make fig ice cream!
You know, I am 44 years old and I have never had a fresh fig. After reading your post I know I must now try one!
By the way... I hope you get Rocks in your stocking! :) Every kind of rock you could ever want! -People reading this comment might think I am mean but I KNOW it's really what she wants! (Loved your answer it was too cute!)
Thank you for stopping by to see me! Hope you'll come back again. I did a post awhile back on fig cake, which is delish!
Fresh figs are a dream food. We planted two trees last year and I am still on the hunt for a variety I've eaten that has a green skin and amber flesh. Amazing. My friend likes to let hers "age" a little (let them start to dry and get a bit wrinkly) before she eats them. They're good like that too. The next time I get my hands on some I am going to dip them in chocolate!
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